
博客來精選推薦Too Many Chances


Too Many Chances

Too Many Chances 評價





Too Many Chances

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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Too Many Chances


Postcolonial Departures- Narrative Transformations in Australian and South African Fictions

Contemporary American Memoirs in Action- How to Do Things With Memoir




Matt Jacobs has had a very bad day. First his boiler breaks down in the middle of his shower, then he learns his beloved cat would rather live with his crotchety old neighbor. But while he’s in work—at a job he hates—Matt gets the worst news of all. A phone call from the hospital informs him his father has just passed away. When the man he’s been ’dating’ for the past five months tells him he’s getting married to a woman, Matt doesn’t know if he can take any more bad news. Thoroughly dejected and sick with grief, he packs a bag and makes the six hour drive home to Missouri to arrange his father’s funeral. On a whim, Matt makes a trip to a secluded spot by the river, a place he spent much of his time growing up. While he’s staring at the sky, contemplating his future, who should show up but James, Matt’s ex best friend and the last person on earth Matt wants to see. James was Matt’s first crush and the person who hurt him more than any other when they were just eighteen. But James has an apology for Matt and a confession that could tilt Matt’s world on its axis. Can Matt forgive the person who broke his heart ten years ago and learn to trust him again? Is it worth the risk to his already bruised and battered heart? Matt’s about to find out.


  • 作者: Lewis, Lavinia
  • 原文出版社:Pride Pub
  • 出版日期:2017/05/01
  • 語言:英文

Too Many Chances


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